Carl and his young son had just enjoyed a weekend visit to the WA Museum. But their fun day out became quite the opposite when they walked outside to find their bike missing, with only security guards and rangers standing where they’d left it.

Another family had heard the noise of a lock being cut and helmets crashing to the ground and quickly alerted the security team, but not quite in time to stop the thief pedalling away.

While Carl and his son had to catch a bus home, the thief only rode a short distance to an apartment block in Northbridge.

Meanwhile, community-minded Kevin, site manager at the apartment complex, noticed a cut chain hanging from the bike rack. Realising what this meant, he reviewed the CCTV footage and watched how the thief had sneaked in just as the electronic gates were closing, ditched Carl’s bike, cut the lock off another one and ridden off on his second stolen bike of the day.

Although Carl hadn’t heard of Bikelinc, police officers suggested he should list his bike details and luckily he had a record of the serial number printed on the sales receipt from the bike shop.  Kevin however was familiar with it and entered the serial number of the abandoned bike. Sure enough, it was listed as stolen and through Bikelinc’s secure email system, he was able to contact Carl.

As well as using his bike to commute to work and enjoy weekend adventures, Carl has a child seat to take his son to daycare. The young boy was quite upset when they couldn’t do their morning ride at the start of the week, but both of them were delighted when they received the email from Kevin saying he had their bike.

It was stolen around Sunday lunchtime, and thanks to Kevin, it was back with Carl the same time just two days later.