Yet again, joining Bikelinc after your bike has been stolen has worked a treat. Here’s how it happened in this latest case.

A keen cyclist had recently purchased a Giant Talon 1 mountain bike – perfect for weekend rides with his kids and zipping into the city to have lunch with his partner.

But one morning in mid-February, after parking his bike near the offices at Elizabeth Quay, his ride was gone. Despite locking it up, a thief managed to bolt cutter through the cable lock and take off with his bike, as confirmed by security footage from the nearby Chevron building.

Later that day he contacted Giant Cannington, where he’d purchased the bike, to get the serial number and report the theft to police. That’s when one of the savvy Giant Cannington team also suggested he should create a Bikelinc profile and tag it as stolen. What great advice!

Just one week later, he received an email from Warwick Police Station via the secure Bikelinc system, to say they had located his bike.  A simple serial number search linked the bike to its rightful owner and resulted in a happy return.

Now, he makes sure his family and friends know about Bikelinc because it turned up trumps for him.